Twitter Blue Badge LossTwitter blue badge loss is about to happen if you ever plan on changing your profile picture

You cannot change your Twitter profile picture without a Twitter blue badge loss. According to the modifications made by Twitter Blue, the social media site has given verified accounts—those that previously had the famed Twitter blue tick as a result of the previous verification process—some relief. These accounts won't currently lose their blue checkmark, according to an official tweet. There is a catch, though. After the modifications have been made, if someone changes their display name or profile photo, they risk losing their blue check mark.

Meanwhile these shenanigans, Twitter Support has clarified what will happen to verified accounts who already have the blue badge and has also described some additional colors and badges that the social media site plans to introduce. Twitter is now formally considering adding additional verified badge colors, those that go beyond the blue tick and "official label," at Elon Musk's direction. The microblogging site will soon provide a "grey checkmark," a "gold checkmark," and a few additional badges to symbolize various kinds of businesses and accounts under the new Twitter Blue subscription, according to the most recent updates given by Twitter Support. We'll look at what these are now.

The various ways in which Elon is trying to repurpose Twitter are quite controversial and have been the reason behind confusion and drama among Twitteratis. Currently, there has been the ease in the verification protocol as nothing of yet has been enrolled as a solid protocol and Twitter users were quick to take advantage of the simplicity of obtaining those blue checks as well. After blue checks were made available for purchase, a variety of verified impersonators stormed Twitter in the hours that followed. Elon needs to take rapid steps as the new owner to avoid further mishaps in the platform.