
According to the ABI research, that provides actionable research and strategic guidance to technology leaders and innovators suggests that artificial intelligence and machine learning are likely to grow inside the Internet of Things domain by US$3.6billion until 2026. The report says that the Covid-19 pandemic did not affect the IoT data analytics but has added value to upcoming cloud-native data-enabled analytics.

As most of the industries are adopting remote services, asset management, asset visibility, predictive maintenance and remote monitoring are gaining momentum. The vendors such as DataRobot, are looking towards AI and ML tools to deploy edge and cloud platforms such as Platform as Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS). 

Kateryna Dubrova, a research analyst at ABI Research says that the Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of rapid-deployment solutions such as hardware agnostic SaaS. 

The big tech companies such as Google, AWS, and C3 have been fortunate to promote their analytics toolsets and products with centralized repositories for Covid-19 data. The data is now public and not being revenue-generated. These data can be helpful in terms of creating products for sale to the market of healthcare in the future. The most interesting point here is that IoT-data enabled technologies have been proven in claiming the public and in monitoring patients in case of other breakouts. 

“AI and ML usage has fastened during the pandemic period. The AI and Ml in the IoT are at the stage of development and lack of evolving in data-enabled infrastructure has limited rapid adoption of machine learning on an operational level when Covid-19 accelerated”, Dubrova added.