Whether you've been working in HR for a short while, or a long period, by now you must have realized that it can be a satisfying career. Simply, you are positively impacting the lives of your co-workers. It's critical to remember this.
However, just like in any other profession, there are persistent preconceptions that apply to HR practitioners. Even if most of these preconceptions and myths are untrue, it is nevertheless important to look into some of these enduring ones. By dispelling these beliefs and preconceptions in the minds of your co-workers, you may demonstrate the crucial role that your work plays in the success of your company.
There is no denying that the human resource division at most companies receives a bad rap as a result of widespread perceptions. Contrary to historical assumptions, HR is not just responsible for upholding corporate policies and procedures, keeping an eye on employee behavior and performance, and making hiring and firing decisions.
Here are a few myths to debunk your thoughts-
Myth 1: Overly Focused on Rules
One of the more pervasive HR fallacies stems from the idea that you and your coworkers always follow the rules exactly. Others in your organization could believe that you are more concerned with adhering to rules and protocols than with maximizing the potential of the company.
The truth is far more complicated. Yes, compared to the average employee, HR specialists may be better aware of rules and regulations. It's just how the job is. Having said that, there is a purpose for the rules. The goal of HR experts is to safeguard the company's future while ensuring the success of its employees. Employees of the organization can perform their jobs more effectively by reducing risks and avoiding potentially dangerous situations. It ensures the organization's survival and success.
Myth 2: HR being Aligned with Company than Employees
The function of HR within the company is the subject of another myth. Particularly, some suspicious employees might not trust HR since they view it as a wholly internal department of the business.
Although an HR department is established on the company's behalf, it does not approve all managerial choices. In contrast, HR's role is to support employees in performing their best work. This might range from developing staff wellness initiatives to assisting in resolving employee conflicts. Your co-workers might find it simple to forget that HR specialists work to find and keep the greatest personnel. They want to make sure that everyone can work in a supportive, amicable, and collaborative environment as a result.
Myth 3: HR is Individualist
Another fallacy stems from the possibility that employees do not regularly communicate with HR. As a result, they could believe that HR operates as a distinct department within the company. This "lone wolf" description might make people afraid of the department.
In the end, HR divisions collaborate closely with a wide range of other company divisions. Simply said, it might not be as evident as work produced by divisions like sales or marketing. The majority of the time, HR is involved with confidential matters. Nevertheless, they also focus on far more obvious organizational goals. Your co-workers may relax knowing that you and your HR colleagues are hard at work even though your work isn't always visible.
Myth 4: Always about Firing People
Finally, one of the more widespread preconceptions is this one. It can be simple to think that this is primarily your responsibility because HR is involved in the termination process. This is yet another oversimplification of your typical roles and obligations. Although you might play a part when employees leave the company, your job entails much more than that.
Overall, HR plays a more beneficial than detrimental role in the company. It exists to speak for both the company and the people who work there. By communicating this message to your non-HR co-workers, you may greatly improve their level of comfort while working for your organization.