
Challenge your brain with Wordle! Get smarter strategies, sharper clues, and better guesses: Answer Inside


The Wordle puzzle for January 27 is in! If tackling today's five-letter puzzle feels rather tricky, these clues and tips can help crack that code.

Hint 1: This word "pushes to one side, or diverts."
Hint 2: Starts with the letter S.
Hint 3: Contains one vowel, U and no repeating letters.
Hint 4: It might be a sort of medical tool or an ordinary action.
Still confused? Let's continue to find out the answer and more about the history and game of Wordle.


What is Wordle


Wordle is a word puzzle that gained widespread popularity in 2021. The game involves guessing a five-letter word in six attempts, and the hints appear in color blocks:

  • Green: A letter correctly placed.
  • Yellow: A letter exists but is placed in the wrong place.
  • Gray: A letter is not in the word.

The game, designed by Josh Wardle, was acquired by The New York Times in 2022. It is still one of the most popular online puzzles, with millions playing daily.


Today's Wordle Answer


If the hints above did not help, here is today's solution. The answer to Wordle #1,318 is:




Shunt means to divert or move something aside. It is also used in medical terms for devices that redirect fluids, such as blood.


Tips to Master Wordle


  • Start Smart: Use a word with two vowels and common consonants like S, T, and R.
  • Plan Your Guesses: Track used letters and focus on the ones left.
  • Use Hard Mode: For an extra challenge, try Wordle’s Hard Mode, which requires using revealed hints in subsequent guesses.


Fun Wordle Facts


  • Variations like Dordle and Quordle challenge players with multiple words.
  • TikTok creators have fueled Wordle’s popularity with live streams.
  • An archive of past puzzles is available to NYT Games subscribers.