
Women today are unstoppable, their power to lead and inspire is constantly increasing. Female leads indeed play a vital role in bringing up other female employees. Also, help them become future leaders. When women become leaders, they bring talents, and new views, alongside structural and cultural diversity to the companies they work for, resulting in more successful solutions. Women can notice minor details to see what is going on underneath the surface from a different angle and with a sense of awareness. Here are the top 10 ways female leaders can help their fellow female workers to succeed and become future role models.

Encourage Creativity

Intellectual stimulation is one of the leadership qualities that help others to succeed along with the leader. Followers need to be encouraged to express their creativity. Effective leaders should offer new challenges with ample support to achieve these goals. One way to foster creativity is to offer challenges to group members, making sure that the goals are within the grasp of their abilities.

Keep a positive attitude

As much as leaders wish their team’s day-to-day operations could run smoothly all the time, they’re bound to run into the occasional obstacle. Whether it’s a minor miscommunication or a major error, the way you handle a negative situation says a lot about your leadership skills.

Keep yourself accountable

In your time as a leader, things won’t always go perfectly smooth. You might even make a few bad calls. (Hey, you’re only human.) When things go wrong — when a project goes off track, when the scope suddenly changes, when the unexpected happens — you need to face it head-on. Take responsibility and work together with your team to address the issues and get back on target.

Be inclusive

If you’re trying to support your sisters at work, there is likely a diverse range of people that you’ve got to appeal to. Although this range of personalities, mannerisms, and approaches can seem intimidating, these differences need to be celebrated.

It can be easy to dismiss or tune out ideas that don’t align with your own. However, doing so can be damaging to morale and cause tension, leaving others to feel unheard or disregarded. No matter what your role in your team is, you can support others by remembering the importance of balance.

Serve as a Role Model

Idealized influence is another of the four key components of transformational leadership. Transformational leaders exemplify the behaviors and characteristics that they encourage in their followers. They walk the walk and talk the talk. As a result, group members admire these leaders and work to emulate these behaviors.

Allow team members to problem solve

Instead of imposing solutions, encourage team members to brainstorm and come up with their own suggestions. By giving your team space to find the right solution and propose their ideas, you can empower them to think creatively, develop their confidence, and foster a sense of ownership.

Challenging standard approaches

Successful change efforts often require leaders to challenge standard approaches and find ways to maneuver around old practices and policies – even sacred cows. Leaders who excel at driving change will challenge even the rules that seem carved in stone.

Building trust in your judgment

This is both about actually improving your judgment, and improving others’ perceptions of it. Good leaders make decisions carefully after collecting data from multiple sources and seeking opinions from those whom they know will have differing views. They recognize that asking others for advice is evidence of their confidence and strength, not a sign of weakness.

Believe in your team members

When a person knows someone believes in them, it can help motivate them to achieve more. Make sure to regularly and sincerely tell your employees that you believe in their work and praise them when they achieve something big. You should also support your team members by speaking out on their behalf and offering to help when you recognize a need.

Help others find their voice

A good leader explains their vision for the team, then allows the members to innovate, collaborate and engage. This results in an atmosphere of co-ownership, which gives people a sense of pride and belonging. They see their voice as contributing to the achievements of the team.