Microsoft predicts the Cyberdelic vision of Virtual Reality will become psychedelic in the future
A researcher from Microsoft predicts that VR will become psychedelic in the next 10 years causing hallucinogenic experiences just as Terence McKenna predicted a future of VR that would be cyberdelic in nature where humans would be able to create all the castles of the imagination. Virtual reality is a simulated experience that can be similar to or completely different from the real world. It is an artificial environment that is created with software and presented to the user in such a way that the user suspends belief and accepts it as a real environment.
Cyberdelic technologies are fast emerging as an entirely new type of experience. Whilst psychedelics can be unpredictable, cyberdelics offer a curated experience for an altered state one that can be explored in a completely safe and controlled way. It is a term used to the immersion in cyberspace as a psychedelic experience. Cyberdelic was the fusion of cyberculture and the psychedelic subculture. The fusion of cyberculture and the psychedelic subculture into a new counterculture of the 1980s and 1990s. The late psychonaut Terence McKenna, whose foresight has proven to be prophetic in seeing a future prediction just got a big nod from Microsoft researcher Mar Gonzalez Franco.
Microsoft researcher predicts Cyberdelic vision of VR:
Microsoft researcher Mar Gonzalez Franco prognosticates that by 2027 we will have ubiquitous VR systems that will provide such rich multi-sensorial experiences that will be capable of producing hallucinations that blend or alter perceived reality. Virtual Reality is also being studied to treat depression. Virtual Reality as a treatment for depression shows a striking similarity to how psilocybin mushrooms function in breaking down the ego.
McKenna said cyberdelic is what the computer and the virtual innovations all push toward a sort of reflecting of our own spirits that what the plan of cyberspace is a kind of turning of the body inside-out, bringing the soul into visible manifestation in the world as a kind of internal, trans-dimensional object, and afterward transforming the body into an openly directed object in the human creative mind.
Research from Johns Hopkins University revealed the perfect dosage for eliciting mystical experiences, and now the same type of cyberdelic research is being conducted in VR. This innovation requires the production of a virtual avatar of oneself where clients can explore a virtual plane and consider themselves to be both the patient and the specialist. Computer-generated reality might have significant clinical potential and further improvement of these techniques preliminary to a controlled preliminary is presently justified.
Microsoft researchers predict that with Virtual Reality humans will retrain, recalibrate and improve their perceptual systems. VR is a way to change human cooperation perpetually by at last permitting us to see ourselves bare, unambiguous, and with the total etymological grasping that would be a kind of clairvoyance promptly accessible in the virtual world. The future is a future of ultra-technology in a dimension that is split off from what is called the ordinary world.