
A new US government report gives a dreadful warning about climate change and its destructive impacts. It says that the economy could lose hundreds of billions of dollars or, in the worst case, more than 10% of its GDP by the end of the century.

The federally authorized study was supposed to release in December but was come out by the Trump administration on Friday, at a time while many Americans are on a long holiday weekend, diverted by family and shopping.

According to David Easterling, director of the Technical Support Unit at the NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information, there was "no external interference in the reports of development." He also told that the climate change the Earth is experiencing is not like any other.

Easterling said, "The global average temperature is much higher and is rising more rapidly than anything modern civilization has experienced, and this warming trend can only be explained by human activities".

Coming from the US Global Change Research Program, a team of 13 federal agencies, the Fourth National Climate Assessment was arranged with the help of 1,000 people, including 300 leading scientists, around half from outside the government.

It's the second of two volumes. The first came out in November 2017, accomplished that there is "no convincing alternative explanation" for the changing climate other than "human activities, especially emissions of greenhouse gases."

The findings of the report run contradict to President Donald Trump's regular message that climate change is a hoax.

On Wednesday, Trump tweeted, "Whatever happened to Global Warming?" as some Americans confronted the coldest Thanksgiving in over a century.

But the science clarified in these and other federal government reports is clear: Climate change is not invalidated by the acute weather of one day or a week; it's confirmed by long-term trends. Humans are living with the warmest temperatures in recent history. Even if the best-case situations were to occur and greenhouse gas releases were to drop to nothing, the world is on track to warm 1.1 degrees Fahrenheit.

Till today, not a single G20 country is meeting climate objectives, research shows.

The report says, without considerable reductions in greenhouse emissions, the annual standard global temperature could increase 9 degrees Fahrenheit (5 Celsius) or more by the end of this century, compared with pre-industrial temperatures.

The expenditure

According to the report, the costs of climate change could reach hundreds of billions of dollars annually. The Southeast alone will possibly lose over a half a billion labor hours by 2100 due to intense heat.

Farmers will experience very tough times. Higher temperatures, drought and flooding will reduce the quality and quantity of their crops all over the country. In parts of the Midwest, the production of the farms will be less than 75% of the corn they produce today, and the southern part of the region could lose more than 25% of its soybean production.

The dairy production could fall between 0.60% and 1.35% over the next 12 years due to heat stress -- having already cost the industry $1.2 billion from heat stress in 2010.

Due to ocean acidification there will be loss of shellfish around $230 million by the end of the century, which is already killing off shellfish and corals. Red tides or algae bloom that reduce oxygen in the water and can kill sea life -- like those that caused a state of emergency in Florida in August -- will become more recurrent.

Impacts on our health

The report says, higher temperatures will also kill more people. The Midwest alone, which is expected to have the largest increase in extreme temperature, will see more 2,000 premature deaths per year by 2090.

There will be more mosquito and instant borne diseases like Zika, dengue and chikungunya. West Nile cases are probably more than double by 2050 due to increasing temperatures.

Climate change can cause asthma and allergies worse.

Nobody's health is protected from climate change, the report concludes. People will suffer from foodborne and waterborne diseases. Mainly susceptible to higher temperatures in the summer, children, the elderly, the poor and communities of color will be at a much greater threat for illness and death.

Heat and flooding

Wildfire seasons by now longer and more destructive than before and it could destroy up to six times more forest area every year by 2050 in parts of the United States. It could burn double areas in Southwestern California alone by 2050.

The Hawaii, the Caribbean and others are vulnerable by these rising temperatures.

Besides the US coasts, the public infrastructure and $1 trillion in national wealth detained in real estate are in danger by rising sea levels, flooding and storm surge.

The report said that more blackouts and power failures, and the probable loss in some sectors could reach hundreds of billions of dollars per year by the end of the century.

Sea levels have already risen 7 to 8 inches since 1900. Out of this rise, around half of the rise has been since 1993, which is greater than during any century in the past 2,800 years. Some countries are also seeing land underwater.

According to the report, by midcentury, it's anticipated that the Arctic will lose all sea ice in late summer and that could lead to more permafrost melt. As the permafrost melts, more carbon dioxide and methane would be released, increasing human-induced warming, "possibly significantly."

What can be done

The report was made to inform policy-makers and makes no precise recommendations on how to solve the problem. However, it recommends that if the United States immediately cut its fossil fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions, it could save thousands of lives and create billions of dollars in benefits for the country.

A report from the UN in October recommended all governments to take "rapid, far-reaching and unprecedented changes in all aspects of society" to evade disaster from climate change. That report guessed that the Earth will reach the critical threshold of 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) over pre-industrial levels by as early as 2030.

Time for action

There have been strong reactions to the new report across the scientific community.

Robert Bullard, an environmental scientistat, Texas Southern University told, "If we're going to run this country like a business, it's time to address climate as the threat multiplier we know it is before more lives are lost,"

"In Houston, communities of color have endured back to back major weather events without the acknowledgment from Washington that climate change is the cause. We've known for years that it's true and it's important to our organizing and our local policy efforts that information like this is not only considered, but believed and acted upon."

Scientists who have been raising the anxiety about the negative outcomes of climate change for years welcomed the results.