Marvel Cinematic Universe stars RDJ, Scarlett Johansson, and Mark Ruffalo unite to support Kamala Harris, encouraging fans to vote in upcoming US Presidential elections
The glistening stars from the Marvel Cinematic Universe appeared on a virtual call last week to publicly endorse Kamala Harris, the United States Vice President, a few days ahead of election day. The video uploaded by actor Mark Ruffalo featured Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Scarlett Johansson, Danai Gurira, Paul Bettany, and Don Cheadle, all appearing for the virtual meeting. The casual conversation during the video saw the group urge people to vote.
Opening with Johansson's greeting to her fellow “Avengers,” the virtual reunion took a humorous turn as the actors threw around possible campaign slogans for Harris. Downey Jr. quipped that maybe Harris needed a slogan and had the group brainstorm on sayings such as “I'm down with democracy.” It was quickly decided against. Cheadle then, in a mocking attempt at Harris's voice, said with a chuckle, “I'm Kamala Harris, and I say down with democracy,” which made the group burst into laughter.
Ruffalo led and moderated the call as he later shifted gears toward voting. He urged the participants to create a voting plan. While he encouraged the audience to bring their friends along to the polling stations. In an episode of laughter and powerful politics, Danai Gurira referenced her Black Panther character as she exclaimed, “Kamala forever!”- in a reference to her Marvel role, Okoye. The phrase crystallized the apparent fact that the group is in support of Harris's candidacy.
On social media, Ruffalo also shared the video with a post emphasizing the importance of the upcoming election. He captioned his post highlighting critical issues up for a vote, which include women's reproductive rights, climate change, public education, LGBTQ+ rights, and student debt relief. Mark captioned the post, “This is real, and it's going to come for you.” stressing the importance of voter turnout.
Kamala Harris's campaign has garnered several high-profile endorsements, such as the entire Marvel cast who joined a long list of supporters that includes Beyonce, LeBron James, Taylor Swift, Jennifer Aniston, and Leonardo DiCaprio. As Election Day draws near, both Harris and former President Donald Trump are campaigning hard, especially in the key battleground states of Georgia and North Carolina, where polls indicate close races. Recent data from CNN indicates record-breaking early turnout with more than 61 million Americans having already cast their ballots.
Surveys show that Harris is leading the election among black voters and college graduates. On the other hand, Trump enjoys a considerable lead over her among non-college white voters. The celebrity appearances in these last stages of elections have also increased the stakes associated with this vote, more so for battleground states that would need the slightest variation in either way to impact the results.