
Will AI Take Over Music Soon


The debate of whether AI can produce better music than humans is a complex one between music enthusiasts and technologists. The question that always arises for the music industry is “Can AI compose music?”. With technology developing daily along with the blend of AI in it, the human effort in a particular job role is reducing. 

The work of human beings is getting easier and faster due to the involvement of AI and technology. While AI can have significant advantages in generating music, it is still a tool that will require human guidance and creativity to work efficiently.

It is important to understand, “Humans can imagine, but AI can only mimic”. While AI can generate music it still lacks the emotional depth, connection, cultural context, storytelling, and other abilities that musician can bring to their work. 

Humans moreover connect to the songs on a personal level. AI can simply try to recreate the melodies and hooks but cannot write a ballad because it can never be in love. AI will more likely serve as a tool for human artists but will never be an outright replacement for them. The human connection is also an important part of music which AI cannot have.


How to Make AI-Generated Music


Developing AI-generated music needs the involvement of specialized software like Soundraw, Musenet, Jukebox, Riffusion, MuseScore, Melodyne, Spitfire Audio, and many more. These platforms analyze a large dataset of music to learn its pattern and create a new composition.

 The users need to choose the specific styles, genres, and instruments, and only then the AI will understand what they need and create a track based on their performance. But for creating AI-generated music, human creativity is needed to craft the inputs like which type of tempo to add; what instruments to play; and which type of genre it will be.

Can AI Compose Music Lyrics


AI also helps in creating song lyrics by analyzing a large amount of lyrical data sets from music. There is a wide range of tools kike LyricStudio, Chatgpt, Jukebox, and many more that can create lyrics. 

However, lyrics generated from AI often lack the emotional and personal touch that comes naturally to human songwriters. While AI can provide wordplay or rhymes it can never bring personal experiences like joy or heartbreak which are essential for creating meaningful songwriting.




While AI can outshine human beings in technical precision and create a flawless composition humans still dominate when it comes to creating music that comes from deep emotional responses. AI can create voices of other artists with the technology embedded in them but AI cannot feel or understand emotions which the real singer can while singing the song. Thus rather than replacing the god’s greatest creature, AI can be a collaborator with humans for making good music.