AI in Gaming: The Pitfalls of Poor Implementation and How to Avoid Them
The video game industry has been transformed rapidly due to advances in artificial intelligence and is expected to grow more. With machine learning algorithms and proper methods of gaming design, AI has the potential to revolutionise. Games like “The Last of Us” and “Red Dead Redemption 2” have enemies that exhibit advanced AI integration for which it is difficult to challenge them because they can react to players’ actions, set traps and many more.
“Minecraft” and “No Man’s Sky” use the power of AI to create a vast and diverse gaming world so that the players get a unique experience. Also, the most awaited rockstar game GTA 6 will utilise AI integration to make the game more interesting. The NPCs are where the AI is used the most in games.
AI algorithms determine these non-player characters’ behaviour to make it more engaging and exciting for the players. Also, AI can dynamically adjust the game’s difficulty based on the player’s performance with generated characters, dialogue, and environment.
However, not AI implementations are successful as gamers argue that heavily using AI in gaming degrades the quality of the game. This decline in quality is known as “AI Slop”. The poor implementation of AI or lazy design harms the gaming experience. Let's see what AI “slop” in gaming means, how it affects the gameplay, and how can it be avoided by the developers.
What is AI “Slop
The AI slop is low-quality content like images or writing created using AI tools that usually focus on speed over quality. According to Wikipedia, it is a “digital clutter” that lacks authenticity. The AI “slop” in gaming in a similar way is poorly designed AI-featured systems or additions in games that hampers the gaming experience.
This slop includes straightforward and predictable behaviour, lifeless NPCs, or overuse of AI-generated content that lacks originality. Some signs of AI “Slop” in games include a predictable enemy AI where the enemy uses the same tactics or fails to adapt the player’s strategy thus making the combat feel unrealistic and monotonous; unresponsive NPCs where it fails to react naturally to a situation in a game or gives meaningless actions and dialogues; game-breaking bugs, etc.
Reasons for AI Slop in Gaming
One of the common reasons for the AI “slop” is when the game studios or the developers prioritise the deadlines rather than quality thus resulting in underdeveloped AI. Sometimes developers rely too much on AI tools for dialogue, communication, automation in gaming, storytelling, etc. Also, building engaging and intelligent AI requires a good amount of resources which may not be available due to budget constraints.
Can AI Slop Be Avoided
To avoid AI “slop” in game development, some of the steps the developers should take are.
● Rigorously testing the AI system and integration in gaming so that they are engaging and bug-free.
● Integrate AI with player-centric designs. Build AI in gaming with the player’s experience, interaction, etc.
● Balance the AI and human creativity as relying too much on AI can be an overburden on gaming.
Artificial Intelligence can elevate gamers' gaming experience but with poor implementation known as AI Slop, can make it the opposite. Predictable enemies, glitches, unrealistic NPC behaviour, etc. degrade the gaming experience. With proper implementation of intelligent AI, balancing AI with human creativity, and focusing on quality content, and player feedback, the developers can avoid these issues and ensure that AI is elevated rather than hindering the gaming experience.